
Iya Ewelisane Lyonga - President

FAY provides a platform for the Bakweri youths to unite and elevate one another while preserving the Bakweri culture and helping undeserved communities. We are like a family that supports each other in times of joy and sorrow. Honestly, I am honored to serve as the president of an organization full of passionate Mopke youths. I can attest that FAY is Monyengi, Ndolo na Molataco.

Mola Nambeke Valery - Vice President

Being a member of Fako America is a privilege, which I will never take for granted. It is like being part of something bigger than oneself, “my culture”.  Living in a diverse country like the United State of America, one can easily forget their root. FAY reminds me of where I came from. My children will grow up to see footprints left behind by me in FAY for them to follow. Culturally it awakens me to the reality that I am a fine Mola, and I am proud of that.

Mola Melvin Efesoa - Secretary


Iya Pelagie Mbua- Communication Director

I have grown to love FAY because it’s not just and organization, it’s a family, through out the few years as a member I have gotten really close with everyone, the people in FAY made the organization a free minded environment, where everyone can share their opinion and feel their opinions are being heard, FAY has taught me so much throughout the years. I know more about my culture than I did before..

Mola Peter Rey Ikundi - Treasurer

I’m my opinion, culture is what binds people of the same ethnicity and I believe FAY brings us together. “If we are to preserve culture we must continue to create it”.

Iya Queen Ngale - Event Coordinator

FAY is a family. Over the last few years I’ve had the chance to grow as a member and watch the organization evolve. I’ve never been more proud. FAY has given me the chance to learn about my culture while forming lifelong relationships with other Mokpe youths.”

Mola Oscar Ikundi - Cultural Director

FAY is more than an organization to me, it is a family. Within my time as a member of FAY, I have had the chance to meet amazing people and form long lasting relationships. In addition, I have learned about and gotten more involved with my culture.

Iya Ida Martin-Becke - Historian


Previous executive Members